East-Broadway Poster


I designed this poster to announce what they had available for the holidays. It was simple, clean and very appropriate for a non-Christmas feeling holiday poster. The 2 colors helped out a lot too. You don't always need to do 4 color process. :)

Subpoena Direct Mail


Bryman College needed a new piece that would get through the clutter in the mailbox. This was meant to test against their control package. It's patterned after an official subpoena in the State of California, and meant to scare people to open the envelope. Once opened they would hopefully giggle at the cool twist where we try to convince them that an education from Bryman College is what they need.

Essential Earth Brochure

VitaliCare came to me with the need of a brochure to promote their new product. This brochure is a self-standing, tri-fold brochure that has a die-cut so when folded, the top of the bottle pops up. The bottle on the brochure is actual size and sat next to a display of the bottles, with plenty brochures to hand out.

It was a fun idea, and the client loved the out-of-the-box thinking.

My Body My Canvas


This spread was designed for an article in Lustre, a hypothetical magazine in New York. The article is about people, and why they dress and look the way they do. The cover spread and one inside spread is represented here. I was the art director on this project. I directed the photo shoots, which included finding the models and getting them ready for the shoot. I was also the designer of the project.

My photographer and I had a great time putting this together. The article was written by Haley Barkle.

Juliet Shoes Campaign


Juliet is a fictitious shoe company for women. This campaign is designed to look like an article in a magazine and includes four spreads. It is a modern spin which follows the scenes from Romeo and Juliet. Incredible photography creates each scene.

This was a fun project I did with a photographer friend. I directed the photoshoot and did the design and layout. Just too much fun!

Alside Print Ads


Alside is a company that makes siding for homes. They cater to upper class homes and focus on durability. With this campaign, I show three different homes in various natural disasters. The homes are still beautiful with no damage at all, thanks to the incredibly durable siding.

This was another project I did for fun to do something different. Had a good time with it too.

Tickle Tou


My wife writes amazing children's books and she asked if I'd start illustrating and designing them. This is just the cover of the book, but it shows the illustration style that's prevalent throughout.

This book has not been published yet. It's a great book, and someday we'll see it on the shelves.