Recruitment Print Ads


Datamark needed a new print ad campaign to recruit new employees. These were created to attract just the right people.

CODI Logo Concept


This logo concept was for CODI '06. The mountain theme was to represent the Rocky Mountains in the area. This was a client directive. I personally feel that there are way too many mountains in logos around Utah, but I still thought it turned out to be a nice, clean logo.

EdExperts Identity Package


EdExperts needed a new identity, including a face-lift on their logo. These guys are geniuses when it comes to marketing for the education industry, and they needed to show their professionalism, but keep it creative at the same time.

Road Trip CD


T Minus 5 is a cool a cappella group that needed an equally cool CD design for their new album "Road Trip."

This turned out really great. The cover is a road map.

The next image is the back cover with the song names as city names.

The inside also shows the song list but more traditionally.

The CD tray itself was the steering wheel of the car they are sitting on. The CD was printed with the same steering wheel, so it could be placed in any position and it'd still look fantastic.

I had a LOT of fun working on this one.

Financial Aid


One of my clients, a school group, asked for something new to offer their students as a fulfillment piece, that would entice them to respond. I came up with this financial aid booklet for students to help them understand where to go, who to see, and what to do in order to get the best scholarships, grants, or student loans they need. It was a huge hit, and the campaign doubled the response rates.

This ended up being a template piece we used for multiple school groups after the initial campaign.

DASU Web Site


The Dental Assistant School of Utah is a division of EDC. They decided to start teaching the program when their own assistants had such great praise from their patients. I developed this site to capture leads for potential students.



Yellow Ad Design was a company that designed nothing but yellow page advertisements. They did a fantastic job at it, but needed help with their identity and branding. I designed the logo and these documents.

EDC Office Posters


These posters were designed to decorate the EDC office. They had 10 of them in strategic places and it really made the office look professional, and upscale.

Side note: I art-directed the photoshoot for these projects as well. EDC knew the importance of having great photos. But, the real reason was that nothing existed like this. :)

EDC Web Site


With any new compay, and new brand, there needs to be a new Web site. This is what I did for EDC. It was divided into two sections, one for patients and one for dentists.