Fairbanks Orthodontics Ad


Fairbanks needed to make a big splash in the local orthodontic business. They have tough competition, but fortunately they had a strong brand to work with.

Their biggest selling proposition is that the orthodontist is a family man himself. He knows what the entire family needs, which brings a nice personal feeling to his office and to his brand. The image of his family helped give that impression.

IADT Postcard Campaign


The International Academy of Design and Technology wanted to boost leads for their interior design program. We chose a list of people that have already shown interest in the program, so we didn't need to sell them on the idea of becoming interior designers. Instead, all we needed to do was rekindle the excitement for the program and convince them that IADT was where they needed to go.

Fortunately, we didn't have a budget to worry about (something you rarely see in the advertising world, especially with lead-gen projects). With this knowledge, I decided to touch all the senses with these potential students by sending them actual samples of carpet, fabric and wood. On the reverse side would be a sticker with all the information they need to get started.

Each of the postcards lead them to a website shown below, or they could call directly to get the information they needed.

Respiratory Postcards


Sanford Brown College needed to boost enrollments for their Respiratory Therapist programs. Thinking outside of the box, we created this postcard series to "breathe" new life into their program.